HOTCOL - Hutton Orbital Truckers Colonia

An introduction and brief guide to Trucking in Colonia

"No Journey To Long"
HOTCOL, the Colonia branch of the Hutton Orbital Truckers, is based in the Eol Procul Centauri system, 22,000 Lightyears away from Alpha Centauri. From our base of Fort Mug we  visit the far reaches of the Galaxy with Hutton Mugs and Centauri Mega Gin.
We champion PWP (player with player) gameplay and actively try to make the game more enjoyable for others.

For the Mug!

As a minor faction in game we stick to our PWP principles and as almost all of our neighbours are also player factions we will be trying not to get into conflicts with them. The Elite : Dangerous background simulator can be a tad unpredictable on occasions with conflicts, missions, bounties, etc sometimes leading to massive fluctuations in influence we may not always succeed, in which case we'll be sure to not take anyones bases or systems.


Elite : Dangerous is a truly stunning game. These screenshots show some small part of the glory of the galaxy.